[00:00 ~ 01:32]
Michael: All right, Jim, your quarterlies look very good. How are things going at the library?
Jim: I told you. I couldn't close it, so..
Michael: So you've come to the master for guidance? Is this what you're saying, Grasshopper?
Jim: Actually, you called me in here. But yeah.
Michael: All right, well, let me show you how it's done.
(Calling) Yes, I'd like to speak to your office manager, please. Yes, hello. This is Michael Scott. I'm the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin paper products. I just wanted to talk to you 'manger a manager'. All right, done deal! Thank you very much, sir! You're a gentleman and a scholar. Oh' I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. My mistake.
That was a woman I was talking to.
Jim: So?
Michael: She had a very low voice. Probably a smoker. So that's the way it's done.
[01:33 ~ 02:43]
Michael: I've been at Dunder Mifflin for 12 years. The last four as regional manager. If you want to come through here. See, we have the entire floor. So this is my kingdom, far as the eye can see.This is our receptionist, Pam. Pam has been with us forever. Right, Pam?
Pam: Well, I don't know.
Michael: If you think she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple of years ago. Any messages?
Pam: Yeah. Just a fax.
Michael: Pam, this is from corporate. How many times have I told you that there's a special filing cabinet for things from corporate?
Pam: You haven't told me.
Michael: It's called the wastepaper bsket! Look at that! Oh look at that face.
Michael: People say I am the best boss. They go, "God, we've never worked in a place like this before. You're hilarious. And you get the best out of us". I think that pretty much sums it up. I found it at Spencer Gifts.
[02:44 ~ 4:11]
Dwight: Shall I play for you Pa rum pa pum pum. I have no gifts for you Pa rum pa pum pum.
Jim: My job is to speak to clients on the phone about. Quantities and type of copier paper. You know, whether we can supply it to them, whether they can pay for it. And... I'm boring myself just talking about this.
Michael: What's up?
Jim: I still love that after seven years.
Michael: Back to work.
[04:12 ~ 05:41]
Phyllis: Just try to reach him hometime today.
Jan: I don't know, just before lunch. That would be great.
Michael: Corporate really doesn't interfere with me at all. Jan, Hello!
I call her Hillary Rodham Clinton. Right? Not to her face, because... Well, not beacuse I'm scared of her, But yeah.
Jan: All right, was there anything you wanted to add to the agenda?
Michael: Me no get an agenda.
Jan: I'm What? I'm sorry.
Michael: I didn't get any agenda.
Jan: Well, I faxed one over to you this morning.
Michael: Really? 'Cause I didn't.. Did we get a fax this morning?
Pam: Yeah, the one.
Michael: Then why, why isn't in my hand? Because a company runs on efficiency of communication. So what's the problem, Pam? Why didn't I get it?
Pam: You put it in the garbage can that was a special filing cabinet.
Michael: Yeah! That was a joke. That was a joke that was actually my brother's. And it was.. It was supposed to be with bills. And it doesn't work great with faxes.
Jan: Do you want to look at mine?
Michael: Yeah, I would. Thank you.
Jan: Okay, since the last meeting, Alan and the board have decided that we can't justify a Scranton branch and a Stanford branch. No, Michael, don't panic.
Michael: No. This is good. This is fine. Excellent.
Jan: Michael, listen, okay, don't panic.
Michael: Although alarm bells are kinda going
Jan: We haven't made